
Unlock the secrets of AI communication with "ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: from Basics to Advanced". This course offers a deep dive into the mechanics of AI and the sophisticated art of prompt engineering, providing a clear pathway from fundamental concepts to advanced strategies.

Key Learnings:

  • Foundations of AI: Embark on a journey from the ground up, beginning with the essentials of AI. Understand the historical context and the evolution of AI, and how it discerns patterns to make data-driven decisions.

  • Generative AI Insights: Explore the expansive world of Generative AI. Learn about different types of generative models and their transformative impact across industries.

  • Prompt Engineering Mastery: At the core of this curriculum lies a comprehensive guide to prompt engineering. Discover how to craft prompts that communicate effectively with ChatGPT and other transformer models, producing targeted and relevant outputs.

  • Hands-On Practice: Engage with practical exercises and real-world examples to refine your prompt engineering skills. Practice sessions are integrated throughout the course to solidify your understanding and expertise.

  • Advanced Techniques: Navigate through advanced topics, including bias detection, prompt optimization, and the generation of complex outputs. Learn to tailor prompts for various applications and control the nuances of AI-generated content.

Course Format:

Structured to maximize learning, the curriculum is outlined in detail, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each topic before progressing. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, you will emerge from this course not just informed, but proficient.


By the end of this transformative experience, you'll have a commanding grasp of prompt engineering, ready to leverage the power of ChatGPT to its fullest. Enroll now in "ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: from Basics to Advanced" and become the architect of AI-generated content.


Unlock the secrets of AI communication with "ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: from Basics to Advanced". This course offers a deep dive into the mechanics of AI and the sophisticated art of prompt engineering, providing a clear pathway from fundamental concepts to advanced strategies.

Key Learnings:

  • Foundations of AI: Embark on a journey from the ground up, beginning with the essentials of AI. Understand the historical context and the evolution of AI, and how it discerns patterns to make data-driven decisions.

  • Generative AI Insights: Explore the expansive world of Generative AI. Learn about different types of generative models and their transformative impact across industries.

  • Prompt Engineering Mastery: At the core of this curriculum lies a comprehensive guide to prompt engineering. Discover how to craft prompts that communicate effectively with ChatGPT and other transformer models, producing targeted and relevant outputs.

  • Hands-On Practice: Engage with practical exercises and real-world examples to refine your prompt engineering skills. Practice sessions are integrated throughout the course to solidify your understanding and expertise.

  • Advanced Techniques: Navigate through advanced topics, including bias detection, prompt optimization, and the generation of complex outputs. Learn to tailor prompts for various applications and control the nuances of AI-generated content.

Course Format:

Structured to maximize learning, the curriculum is outlined in detail, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each topic before progressing. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, you will emerge from this course not just informed, but proficient.


By the end of this transformative experience, you'll have a commanding grasp of prompt engineering, ready to leverage the power of ChatGPT to its fullest. Enroll now in "ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: from Basics to Advanced" and become the architect of AI-generated content.




講座の後半では、より深い理解のため、大規模言語モデルについての解説のほか、ChatGPT APIを使ったChatbotの構築方法についても解説しています。GPTsだけを学びたい方も、少し理解を深めたい方にも活用いただける内容となっています。

「最新の技術を扱える人材になりたい」「普段の業務を自動化して、労働時間を短くしたい」「ChatGPTの技術を活用したアプリの構想を練るためにも、ビジネスシーンでどのような活用方法があるのか知りたい」「GPT Builderを使ってGPTアプリストアに自分の作ったGPTモデルを公開したい」「大規模言語モデルについて理解したい」・・などなど、そういった思いがある方にはぜひ受講いただきたいです。


  • 機能の概要:「GPTs」はOpenAI DevDayにてリリースされた新機能で、ChatGPT上で、ユーザーがChatGPTのカスタム版をノーコードで開発できるようにするものです​​​​。

  • 構築の手軽さ:この機能を使えば、ChatGPT上で手軽に独自のバージョンを作ることができます。プロンプトからの指示による対話を通じてオリジナルのChatGPTを構築可能であり、Web検索や画像作成、データ分析等が簡単にできるようになります。

  • 使う上での便利さ:ChatGPTでは、毎回プロンプトに指示を入力する必要があります。回答の精度を高めるためには、プロンプトにより詳細の情報を入力したり、条件を定義する必要があり、実際に使っていくとなると、プロンプト調整に時間がかかることもしばしばです。GPTsで、あらかじめ特定の用途に応じたChatGPTを構築しておくことで、都度詳しいプロンプトや制限・条件を入力する必要がなくなります。画像生成や文章生成のほか、QAボットの生成やデータ分析等に活用することで、普段の業務を効率化することが可能です。







講座の後半では、より深い理解のため、大規模言語モデルについての解説のほか、ChatGPT APIを使ったChatbotの構築方法についても解説しています。GPTsだけを学びたい方も、少し理解を深めたい方にも活用いただける内容となっています。

「最新の技術を扱える人材になりたい」「普段の業務を自動化して、労働時間を短くしたい」「ChatGPTの技術を活用したアプリの構想を練るためにも、ビジネスシーンでどのような活用方法があるのか知りたい」「GPT Builderを使ってGPTアプリストアに自分の作ったGPTモデルを公開したい」「大規模言語モデルについて理解したい」・・などなど、そういった思いがある方にはぜひ受講いただきたいです。


  • 機能の概要:「GPTs」はOpenAI DevDayにてリリースされた新機能で、ChatGPT上で、ユーザーがChatGPTのカスタム版をノーコードで開発できるようにするものです​​​​。

  • 構築の手軽さ:この機能を使えば、ChatGPT上で手軽に独自のバージョンを作ることができます。プロンプトからの指示による対話を通じてオリジナルのChatGPTを構築可能であり、Web検索や画像作成、データ分析等が簡単にできるようになります。

  • 使う上での便利さ:ChatGPTでは、毎回プロンプトに指示を入力する必要があります。回答の精度を高めるためには、プロンプトにより詳細の情報を入力したり、条件を定義する必要があり、実際に使っていくとなると、プロンプト調整に時間がかかることもしばしばです。GPTsで、あらかじめ特定の用途に応じたChatGPTを構築しておくことで、都度詳しいプロンプトや制限・条件を入力する必要がなくなります。画像生成や文章生成のほか、QAボットの生成やデータ分析等に活用することで、普段の業務を効率化することが可能です。




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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world by automating tasks that were once thought to be impossible. ChatGPT, a generative AI model, is one such technology that has been making waves in the field of natural language processing. It is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance productivity at work, school, and home. By learning the basics of machine learning and prompt engineering, you can unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and take advantage of its capabilities.

Machine learning is a subset of AI that involves training algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. Prompt engineering, on the other hand, is the process of designing prompts that can elicit the desired response from a generative AI model like ChatGPT. By mastering these concepts, you can create custom prompts that are tailored to your specific needs and use ChatGPT to generate high-quality responses. Whether you’re looking to automate customer support, generate creative content, or simply have a conversation with an AI, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. So why not give it a try and see how it can help you level up your productivity?

Enroll Now!

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world by automating tasks that were once thought to be impossible. ChatGPT, a generative AI model, is one such technology that has been making waves in the field of natural language processing. It is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance productivity at work, school, and home. By learning the basics of machine learning and prompt engineering, you can unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and take advantage of its capabilities.

Machine learning is a subset of AI that involves training algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. Prompt engineering, on the other hand, is the process of designing prompts that can elicit the desired response from a generative AI model like ChatGPT. By mastering these concepts, you can create custom prompts that are tailored to your specific needs and use ChatGPT to generate high-quality responses. Whether you’re looking to automate customer support, generate creative content, or simply have a conversation with an AI, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. So why not give it a try and see how it can help you level up your productivity?

Enroll Now!

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Unlocking the Power of Azure OpenAI for Creativity and Innovation

Important Areas Covered in the Course:

  1. Generative AI Exploration: In this course, you will delve into the world of generative AI using Bing Copilot. Learn how to harness the creative potential of AI to assist you in coding, content creation, and more.

  2. Integration and Implementation: Discover how to request access to Azure OpenAI services and seamlessly integrate them into your applications. You'll gain hands-on experience on how to set up and get started with Azure OpenAI to utilize its capabilities effectively.

  3. Code Generation and Improvement: One of the key areas covered is how to generate and enhance code using Azure OpenAI Services. You'll understand how to use AI-powered code generation to boost your development productivity and quality.

  4. Data Utilization and Content Filters: Learn how to make the most of Azure OpenAI by using your own data and implementing content filters. This ensures that the generated content aligns with your specific needs and adheres to desired standards.

By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge and skills to master Azure OpenAI, from initial exploration to practical integration, code generation, content creation, and data control, enabling you to unlock the full potential of this powerful tool for creativity and innovation.

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Unlocking the Power of Azure OpenAI for Creativity and Innovation

Important Areas Covered in the Course:

  1. Generative AI Exploration: In this course, you will delve into the world of generative AI using Bing Copilot. Learn how to harness the creative potential of AI to assist you in coding, content creation, and more.

  2. Integration and Implementation: Discover how to request access to Azure OpenAI services and seamlessly integrate them into your applications. You'll gain hands-on experience on how to set up and get started with Azure OpenAI to utilize its capabilities effectively.

  3. Code Generation and Improvement: One of the key areas covered is how to generate and enhance code using Azure OpenAI Services. You'll understand how to use AI-powered code generation to boost your development productivity and quality.

  4. Data Utilization and Content Filters: Learn how to make the most of Azure OpenAI by using your own data and implementing content filters. This ensures that the generated content aligns with your specific needs and adheres to desired standards.

By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge and skills to master Azure OpenAI, from initial exploration to practical integration, code generation, content creation, and data control, enabling you to unlock the full potential of this powerful tool for creativity and innovation.


Elevate your leadership potential with our immersive course, the perfect launchpad for your exciting AI journey ahead!

Accelerate your understanding of AI leadership in 2023 with our comprehensive course, "Mastering GEN AI Leadership."

Learn key strategies involving AGI, Video, Audio, and Automation, vital for growth hacking and business transformation.

Explore the fundamentals of AI models and delve into the world of Prompt Engineering using ChatGPT and Google Bard. Acquire the skills to craft compelling content with ease and efficiency using cutting-edge AI technology.

Gain a deep understanding of Gen-AI's core concepts, including GAN and Transformer technologies. Navigate complex AI Jargon and frameworks, laying the foundation for advanced AI comprehension and practical implementation.

Get a comprehensive overview of Artificial Intelligence, from basic principles to different AI system types and their applications, providing the necessary groundwork for a holistic understanding of AI's vast potential.

Dive into the intricate world of Machine Learning, with a comprehensive analysis of Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning, illustrated through real-world case studies and practical examples.

Unlock the potential of Deep Learning and NLP, with insights into various neural network types and innovative tools for effective data visualization and text summarization, enhancing your understanding of advanced AI applications.

Master the capabilities of ChatGPT and harness the power of Prompt Engineering to optimize content creation. Understand the nuanced differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard for enhanced AI utilization.

Develop expertise in AI-driven Content Creation, with a focus on SEO Writing tools, Google Bard Text Classification, and effective strategies for creating compelling blog posts, client emails, and product advertisements.

Enhance your ChatGPT experience with the integration of diverse plugins, empowering you to create QR Codes, automate voice generation, and produce engaging videos seamlessly within the course.

Seamlessly incorporate Midjourney for efficient command execution and optimized prompt generation, exploring its functionalities and alternative tools like Adobe Firefly and Leonardo AI, ensuring a streamlined and efficient AI workflow.

Understand the distinction between AI and Automation, delving into the significance, benefits, and practical applications of automation, alongside a comprehensive understanding of the nuanced differences between AutoGPT and ChatGPT.


Elevate your leadership potential with our immersive course, the perfect launchpad for your exciting AI journey ahead!

Accelerate your understanding of AI leadership in 2023 with our comprehensive course, "Mastering GEN AI Leadership."

Learn key strategies involving AGI, Video, Audio, and Automation, vital for growth hacking and business transformation.

Explore the fundamentals of AI models and delve into the world of Prompt Engineering using ChatGPT and Google Bard. Acquire the skills to craft compelling content with ease and efficiency using cutting-edge AI technology.

Gain a deep understanding of Gen-AI's core concepts, including GAN and Transformer technologies. Navigate complex AI Jargon and frameworks, laying the foundation for advanced AI comprehension and practical implementation.

Get a comprehensive overview of Artificial Intelligence, from basic principles to different AI system types and their applications, providing the necessary groundwork for a holistic understanding of AI's vast potential.

Dive into the intricate world of Machine Learning, with a comprehensive analysis of Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning, illustrated through real-world case studies and practical examples.

Unlock the potential of Deep Learning and NLP, with insights into various neural network types and innovative tools for effective data visualization and text summarization, enhancing your understanding of advanced AI applications.

Master the capabilities of ChatGPT and harness the power of Prompt Engineering to optimize content creation. Understand the nuanced differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard for enhanced AI utilization.

Develop expertise in AI-driven Content Creation, with a focus on SEO Writing tools, Google Bard Text Classification, and effective strategies for creating compelling blog posts, client emails, and product advertisements.

Enhance your ChatGPT experience with the integration of diverse plugins, empowering you to create QR Codes, automate voice generation, and produce engaging videos seamlessly within the course.

Seamlessly incorporate Midjourney for efficient command execution and optimized prompt generation, exploring its functionalities and alternative tools like Adobe Firefly and Leonardo AI, ensuring a streamlined and efficient AI workflow.

Understand the distinction between AI and Automation, delving into the significance, benefits, and practical applications of automation, alongside a comprehensive understanding of the nuanced differences between AutoGPT and ChatGPT.